surfline rocks new web cams for the obx

For all of us that live on the OBX, knowing what the ocean is doing is part of our everyday: we all keep an eye on the weather, and lately live webcams have made keeping an eye on the ocean as easy as going online. Surfline has a well-deserved reputation for being one of the… Continue reading surfline rocks new web cams for the obx

here’s the 2015 possible hurricane lineup!

Courtesy of NOAA

Hurricane predictions are rarely good news for the Outer Banks, but this year’s early Atlantic hurricane forecast released by Colorado State University’s Department of Atmospheric Science projects a below-average season! The guys over at Surfline shared the release and their expertise in this informative piece. “The Tropical Meteorology Project at CSUpredicts that the season will see below-average… Continue reading here’s the 2015 possible hurricane lineup!