making the past come alive on ocracoke

The village of Ocracoke was one of the first towns settled on the Outer Banks; yet without preservation its long and colorful history is in danger of being lost. Writing for the Ocracoke Current,  Annelise Straw tells the story of artist and now historian, Karen Rhodes, as she works to preserve the past. “As Dr. Martin… Continue reading making the past come alive on ocracoke

ocracoke’s historic home tour december 6th!

Ocracoke dresses up for the holidays. Photo courtesy of Ocracoke Current

There’s no place like Ocracoke for the holidays! This year’s Historic Home Tour is happening Friday, December 6th from 3 -5 pm. Eight houses are on deck for this holiday tradition that benefits the Ocracoke Preservation Society. “Please join Ocracoke Preservation Society on Saturday, December 6th for this fun holiday tradition. OPS is highlighting some… Continue reading ocracoke’s historic home tour december 6th!