day of the doritos: an obx wreck busting tale

Living on the Outer Banks has always had its challenges, especially back in the day, and Bankers tend to be opportunists as a result. For over 300 years, a ship ashore was a ship to be salvaged, in short order. Hatteras Island native and historian Danny Couch tells a delightful tale of the history of this tradition… Continue reading day of the doritos: an obx wreck busting tale

you (yes, YOU!) can sponsor ocrafolk festival!

Caravan of Thieves performs on the Live Oak stage in 2013. Photo by Hidden Outer Banks

The 16th annual Ocrafolk Festival is happening on Ocracoke Island, this June 5th through 7th! The family friendly weekend is presented by the non-profit Ocracoke Alive, and showcases music, storytelling, artisans, and characters from the NC coastal region and beyond, in addition to being rated one of the top fifteen island festivals in the WORLD… Continue reading you (yes, YOU!) can sponsor ocrafolk festival!

meet the newest ocracoke pony!

Photo of Hazelnut and her mother, Sacajawea, courtesy of the National Park Service.

The Ocracoke ponies have a long and colorful history on the island, documented since the 1730’s. The ponies worked with the islanders, pulling carts and making beach patrols. They played too, roaming free when they weren’t running races or toting Boy Scouts around:  in the 50’s the Ocracoke Scouts were the only mounted troop in the nation!… Continue reading meet the newest ocracoke pony!