dr. beach talks rip currents

Not many people know who Dr. Stephen Leatherman is, but everybody knows “Dr. Beach”, the author of the annual 10 Best Beaches Report. As the Director of the Laboratory for Coastal Research at Florida International University , Leatherman takes on much more serious topics than which beach has the softest sand or best amenities, and in this great video… Continue reading dr. beach talks rip currents

hatteras beach maintains top ten ranking

The Cape Hatteras Beach.

With its soft sand and wide area between the dunes and the sea, the Cape Hatteras has again been ranked as one of the nation’s finest beaches. Sam Walker’s article in the Outer Banks Voice gives some background on the selection process and why Cape Hatteras has maintained its high ranking. “Cape Hatteras has once… Continue reading hatteras beach maintains top ten ranking

who the heck is dr. beach?

Outer Banks beach. Milpost Magazine.

It’s Memorial Day weekend and the burning question every shore line community asks is, “How will Dr. Beach rate our beach?” (This year, Cape Hatteras rated six in the top ten!) As Matt Walker of Milepost Magazine discovers in this full length interview, Dr. Beach is not the sum total of mystic algorithms, rather he is a… Continue reading who the heck is dr. beach?