netflix outer banks and a reality check

An Entertaining Show with good acting can’t hide obvious differences between plot and reality

As Netflix gears up for season two of their hit series Outer Banks, it’s impossible to miss reality and plot often seem to go in different directions. This analysis, by Kip Tabb writing for Carolina Designs Realty of where film fantasy and reality diverge, is a fun read and the most detailed we’ve seen. Part one of a two part series.

“Someone once wrote that to truly enjoy fiction there must be a willing suspension of disbelief. Since there are varying degrees of fiction, it stands to reason there must be varying degrees of disbelief.

After watching season one of the Netflix original drama Outer Banks, for a resident of the Outer Banks, it’s going to take a lot of suspension of disbelief.

That’s not a comment on the acting, plot, photography, or direction. It’s a fun story to follow for anyone looking for a bit of diversion.”

To read the complete Carolina Designs Realty blog, click here.