massive magnolia = state’s oldest?

Size and age surprise experts.

How big is that tree that’s growing in Manteo? State officials are trying to figure that out. One thing they know–it’s bit and it’s old. Jeff Hampton writing in The Virginian Pilot tells the story.

State officials look at what could be the new North Carolina record holder for size and age in magnolia trees. Photo Virginian Pilot
State officials look at what could be the new North Carolina record holder for size and age in magnolia trees. Photo Virginian Pilot

“A tree grows in Manteo, hovering high over an old downtown house with a canopy that covers nearly half a city block.

It could be the biggest and one of the oldest southern magnolia trees in North Carolina. And nobody knew about it until this week.

The tree grows within 10 feet of Nancy Wood’s back steps and is as big around as her shed. Roots at the base are as thick as a dock piling. One of its limbs has the diameter of a whiskey barrel and rises ominously over the top of her house.”

For the complete story in The Virginian Pilot, click here.