atlantic hurricane season could be above average

10-16 named storms predicted for 2018.

What will the 2018 Atlantic basin hurricane season look like? Scientists at the National Hurricane Center believe this will be an average to slightly above average year–although they make no predictions about landfall. Check out the coverage in ABC News for the all details.

“Scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on Thursday released their forecast for this year’s Atlantic hurricane season, predicting a near normal or above normal season.

The track of Hurricane Matthew. Fall, 2016.
The track of Hurricane Matthew. Fall, 2016.

The forecasters predict a 70 percent likelihood of 10 to 16 named storms with winds of 39 mph or higher.

Of those named storms, the forecasters predict five to nine could become hurricanes, including one to four major ones.

Hurricanes have winds of 74 mph or higher and major hurricanes are considered to be at least Category 3.

An average hurricane season brings 12 named storms, of which six become hurricanes.”

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